Team statistics history

Team statistics history - UK
Statistics last updated: 5/19/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [8 hour(s) ago]
Page of 115 | Records 1 to 60 - 6865 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/19/2024 0:121:22:55:01 642,994 1,223
05/18/2024 0:115:01:15:31 641,108 1,211
05/17/2024 0:118:09:49:13 639,503 1,217
05/16/2024 0:114:18:25:31 639,601 1,171
05/15/2024 0:123:20:09:34 754,693 1,344
05/14/2024 0:125:14:40:06 977,243 1,360
05/13/2024 0:118:15:57:38 922,217 1,257
05/12/2024 0:123:14:24:17 864,927 1,335
05/11/2024 0:115:07:49:08 1,048,888 1,281
05/10/2024 0:116:02:03:19 891,266 1,268
05/09/2024 0:111:07:03:17 1,204,388 1,322
05/08/2024 0:107:17:28:45 858,482 1,193
05/07/2024 0:106:13:49:40 937,813 1,159
05/06/2024 0:113:11:47:04 862,212 1,204
05/05/2024 0:122:09:02:10 756,482 1,297
05/04/2024 0:121:18:02:59 876,406 1,320
05/03/2024 0:102:07:12:20 1,183,452 1,171
05/02/2024 0:118:18:05:46 1,101,532 1,340
05/01/2024 0:101:01:24:22 788,019 1,069
04/30/2024 0:121:21:56:36 1,097,039 1,313
04/29/2024 0:110:12:07:39 776,422 1,135
04/28/2024 0:103:03:35:33 1,033,109 1,163
04/27/2024 0:104:01:53:29 942,418 1,153
04/26/2024 0:110:05:31:19 747,044 1,148
04/25/2024 0:106:00:26:38 885,359 1,119
04/24/2024 0:105:17:32:37 919,756 1,111
04/23/2024 0:107:16:32:54 789,407 1,157
04/22/2024 0:114:08:41:21 1,024,984 1,255
04/21/2024 0:105:14:45:55 840,439 1,114
04/20/2024 0:111:02:36:33 659,598 1,119
04/19/2024 0:106:14:34:05 654,215 1,071
04/18/2024 0:105:01:36:12 647,422 1,037
04/17/2024 0:106:19:18:07 689,732 1,100
04/16/2024 0:106:01:11:04 892,118 1,116
04/15/2024 0:125:20:35:28 1,190,679 1,448
04/14/2024 0:119:13:35:33 1,362,615 1,390
04/13/2024 0:111:18:59:12 1,348,033 1,334
04/12/2024 0:120:21:13:29 1,451,757 1,455
04/11/2024 0:103:05:56:23 1,371,337 1,268
04/10/2024 0:110:22:22:28 1,185,725 1,320
04/09/2024 0:115:16:08:22 1,451,344 1,410
04/08/2024 0:110:07:55:05 1,202,181 1,195
04/07/2024 0:111:19:08:40 1,355,880 1,268
04/06/2024 0:104:04:36:56 1,115,830 1,169
04/05/2024 0:112:15:23:32 1,285,552 1,279
04/04/2024 0:111:17:16:36 1,297,748 1,356
04/03/2024 0:115:11:26:40 1,113,643 1,299
04/02/2024 0:110:12:30:32 1,272,915 1,351
04/01/2024 0:086:02:00:51 1,830,600 1,193
03/31/2024 0:068:16:44:52 2,589,983 1,036
03/30/2024 0:079:02:16:27 1,283,234 957
03/29/2024 0:113:19:48:31 2,257,324 1,489
03/28/2024 0:113:18:46:59 1,523,214 1,353
03/27/2024 0:092:17:57:49 582,669 1,009
03/26/2024 0:083:11:16:19 454,444 853
03/25/2024 0:077:10:22:11 427,770 815
03/24/2024 0:063:14:37:46 331,893 633
03/23/2024 0:056:08:51:23 304,586 582
03/22/2024 0:048:04:15:16 234,628 443
03/21/2024 0:048:09:00:33 242,206 457

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